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Desorden Energético Crónico


Alteración de los campos Electromagnéticos

Producto recomendado para protegerse de la radiación y contaminación electromagnética de su cama.

Do you know what a DEC is in our body?

Explicado de forma breve, es la alteración de los campos morfogenéticos, si esto no le dice nada, algunas personas lo conocen como; gafe, mal de ojo, trabajo de magia, etc. Pero la verdad es que es una alteración energética de la electricidad de nuestro organismo.

This DEC appears in people who find everything complicated, time, money, relationships, family, work.

En resumen, el DEC (Desorden Energético Crónico) se manifiesta en personas que experimentan una serie de dificultades en diferentes aspectos de sus vidas. Estas dificultades incluyen problemas con la gestión del tiempo, la organización y la puntualidad, así como obstáculos en la búsqueda de oportunidades y relaciones interpersonales. Además, estas personas pueden experimentar una serie de eventos negativos inesperados, como fallas en dispositivos electrónicos, problemas en el hogar y tensiones familiares. Todo esto puede llevar a un agotamiento físico y mental, así como a dificultades financieras y comerciales.

Hay casos tan alterados que sus campos alterados son capaces de con solo acercarse disparar las alarmas de los coches.

In cases of Chronic Energy Disorder (CED), the person tends to affect their family environment, their home and their work. Everything in your environment and around you is altered, and although you are not aware of it, your problem gradually becomes more complicated, which can lead to developing a feeling of paranoia or persecution. The person may believe that something or someone is hindering their life, which can lead to increasing frustration and stress. Even if you try to maintain positive thoughts or practice meditation, as long as DEC is present in your daily life, everything around you will continue to be altered.

In some chronic cases, these people may actively seek out environments, romantic relationships, jobs, and even neighborhoods that are in tune with their disturbance. They may find themselves drawn to situations where they experience a resonance with that alteration, which can perpetuate the cycle of problems and challenges in their lives.

How a DEC is produced.

In essence, we as human beings are electromagnetic information fields, which makes us susceptible to outside influences that can alter our personal fields. These influences can include geopathic currents or alterations in the subsurface, exposure to high charge or voltage electrical fields, as well as electronic devices such as Wi-Fi and antennas. Additionally, interacting with people who also experience electromagnetic disturbances can contribute to this disturbance. All of this can result in what is known as Chronic Energy Disorder (CED).

Being something subtle and not visible, it can influence the mental perspective and development of the life of the affected people. Over time, these people tend to become more closed and skeptical, as they face constant challenges and difficulties in different aspects of their lives. Their temper can be easily altered, and they may experience a decline in mental and physical health.

En cuanto a la salud mental, pueden manifestar distracción, ansiedad y preocupación excesiva. También pueden perder tiempo en detalles sin importancia, lo que contribuye a su sensación de frustración y agobio. El miedo también puede ser una constante en sus vidas, ya que sienten que están luchando contra fuerzas invisibles que obstaculizan su bienestar.

Además, algunas personas con DEC pueden volverse agresivas como resultado de la acumulación de estrés y frustración. En resumen, el DEC puede tener un impacto significativo en la salud mental y el bienestar de las personas, alterando su perspectiva, comportamiento y calidad de vida.

¿Se puede resolver el problema?

Es cierto que algunas personas pueden volverse dependientes de su forma de vida con Desorden Energético Crónico (DEC) debido a la familiaridad y la comodidad que proporciona, a pesar de sus desafíos. El proceso de hacer cambios para poner en orden los campos electromagnéticos puede parecer intimidante o desconocido para ellos. Pueden experimentar ansiedad o resistencia al cambio, incluso si reconocen que su vida podría mejorar.

Sin embargo, es importante destacar que el cambio hacia un entorno más equilibrado y armonioso puede ser un proceso gradual y requerir apoyo emocional y práctico. Es posible que estas personas necesiten tiempo para adaptarse a un nuevo estilo de vida y aprender nuevas formas de manejar los desafíos que enfrentan.

Es fundamental fomentar un sentido de esperanza y empoderamiento en estas personas, mostrándoles que el cambio es posible y que pueden desarrollar habilidades para mejorar su bienestar y calidad de vida. Con el apoyo adecuado, pueden descubrir una vida más saludable y satisfactoria, liberándose de la dependencia del DEC y encontrando nuevas formas de vivir en armonía con su entorno.

Chronic Energy Disorder (CED) can be considered a systemic problem that affects not only individuals, but also families, homes, workplaces and entire companies. In many cases, an entire family can be affected by DEC, especially if they share the same physical environment and environmental influences.

Additionally, it is important to recognize that some environments, such as certain homes or offices, may be affected by structural or environmental issues that contribute to DEC. This can include "sick houses" with damp, mold or air pollution problems, as well as workplaces with disruptive electromagnetic fields or stressful conditions.

Consequently, addressing CED holistically involves not only working at an individual level, but also assessing and correcting imbalances in the physical and social environment in which people live and work. This may involve taking measures to improve air and water quality, reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields, promote a healthy work environment, and encourage self-care and emotional well-being practices throughout the community. In this way, DEC can be addressed more effectively and promote greater well-being for all involved.


gENiO SAPIENS offers programs to correct morphogenetic fields on an individual basis, which can be useful in addressing personal problems related to Chronic Energy Disorder (CED).

The diagnosis provided by gENiO SAPIENS can help determine if the problem is individual or systemic, that is, if it affects only the person or also their family and physical environment, such as the home. By checking electromagnetic fields, the gENiO SAPIENS system can provide resonant information about the person's environment, which can help identify external influences that contribute to DEC.

When considering the comprehensive approach to addressing DEC, it is important to consider both individual and environmental factors. This may involve not only the correction of morphogenetic fields on a personal level, but also the identification and solution of problems in the physical and social environment in which the person lives and works.

It is true that each case of Chronic Energy Disorder (CED) is unique and individual, and it is important to be able to identify if you have this problem and explore possibilities to resolve it.

For many people, especially those who cannot change their social or work environment, such as coworkers, bosses, or workplaces, CED can be a constant challenge. Although they cannot completely control these outside influences, it is essential to take steps to protect their well-being and reduce the negative effects of DEC on their lives.

In these cases, frequently attending programs or services that help adjust your energy fields can be a useful strategy to maintain personal balance and mitigate the impacts of DEC. These programs can provide tools and techniques to strengthen personal energy and increase resilience to external influences.

Additionally, it is important to cultivate self-care and emotional well-being practices, such as meditation, conscious breathing, and establishing healthy boundaries in interpersonal relationships. These practices can help strengthen mental and emotional health, even in challenging environments.

Do you think you can have a DEC?

Request an appointment and let us help you solve your problem.

Nothing will change if you don't take the first step and a DEC is serious.

PARIS DECLARATION on Sunday, March 15, 2015

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