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La Importancia de la Microbiota Intestinal

Si hay algo que es fundamental para nuestra salud es cuidar la microbiota.

Previously known as bacterial flora, but studies have gone further and it is proven that a large part of our body is made up of microorganisms that have our DNA and make up an entire microbiota. I am going to dedicate this article to the intestine, because of the important relationship we have with food.

On the other hand, today we know that there is a close relationship between the intestinal microbiota with our nervous system and the brain, since in any mental illness the microbiota must also be considered as a factor that is at risk.

Our diet largely defines the type of decisions, reactions and the health of our neurons, as well as our mood, feeling fear or managing stress.

But what is the microbiota?

It is largely composed of bacteria, much less for viruses and parasites, but with all of these we share our DNA. In volume and quantity, the microbiota It is three times more than the total mass of our cells. They have two basic functions that are vital; They help regulate energy supply and protect us from intruding germs that can be harmful to our health.

70% of our immune cells live in our intestine.

and more than 100 million brain neurons interact with them.

The formal study that is being done on the microbiota is helping us understand its benefits on our health and that it also serves to stop aging.

Factores que alteran a la microbiota

Sin embargo, hay cuatro factores que atentan peligrosamente contra nuestra microbiota, tres de estos son externos y uno interno; El más dañino es el que nos hacemos a nosotros mismos a causa del DISTRÉS, ya que produce una sobrecarga de energía celular que altera sobremanera a todo nuestro organismo, afectando nuestra capacidad de homeóstasis y autorregulación, volviéndonos vulnerables a casi todas las enfermedades y a un daño cerebral importante.

Los otros tres factores internos son; La medicación, la contaminación y los químicos cosméticos y alimentarios; conservantes y colorantes artificiales, etc.

La relación simbiótica que tenemos con nuestra microbiota es esencial, ya que funciona como barrera contra los gérmenes ajenos y que pueden ser patógenos.

Al compartir el ADN con nuestra microbiota, nuestro sistema inmune vigilante no los agrede, y sólo se encargan de eliminar a los gérmenes intrusos.

Cuando utilizamos agentes químicos, medicinas o sustancias en alimentos y la cosmética, debilitamos a nuestra microbiota dejando expuesta nuestra barrera intestinal.

"Nuestro Cuerpo se defiende"

Our body will try to purify, by all means, everything that our body does not recognize and when it fails, it will try to isolate all those toxins, temporarily accumulate them.in the bones.
Normally the body eliminates waste and toxins through feces, urine and skin.
When the intestine is overwhelmed with toxins, colitis will appear accompanied by constipation to diarrhea and vice versa, If you suffer from colitis, know that your microbiota is altered.

Among the toxic chemical elements that most affect our microbiota are, lthe heavy metals, some preservatives used by the food industry in cereals and vegetables, some of which have too many pesticides and chemicals, which we end upconsuming in our daily diet.

The two most harmful foods for our microbiota and directly are excess sugars and gluten from bread not made with mother dough.

On the other hand, there is gluten that, by adhering to the intestinal villi, carrying a load of pesticides, preservatives and food toxins, forcing our immune cells to go into action and end up producing collateral damage in our intestine, they are micro perforations, which In that microscopic world they are large openings that are crossed by the same toxic agents, by harmful germs and finally our own immune cells (autoimmune diseases).

Medidas sencillas para cuidar nuestra microbiota

Aunque cambiar la dieta es beneficioso, no es suficiente

With some simple measures we can improve our microbiota, such as; do exercise, is one of the best remedies to reduce stress and make a symbiotic change that helps improve our metabolism and strengthen our microbiota, wash fruits very well (preferably with filtered water) and vegetables Before consuming them, avoid gluten and foods with sugar.

It is good practice to consume probiotics with some regularity, consult with your therapist to tell you which of these you need.

Dr. Eduardo González Coeto.

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