TBQ Bioresonance for Life

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Emotional health

Emotions are like water waves

Emotional Health and TB gENiO®

¿Quién en este tiempo no está pasando por momentos difíciles?

El sistema “TBQ gENiO emocional” dispone de varios programas para ayudar a gestionar las emociones desde diferentes aspectos: hormonal, mental, energético, etc.

El sistema revisa aspectos profundamente para saber qué información hay en el subconsciente y la codificación que se tiene desde el vientre materno.

Actualmente pacientes que padecen algún trastorno emocional; ansiedad, estrés, depresión, etc. Requieren soluciones más directas, saber cómo evolucionan y sobre todo sentirse mejor para recuperar la tranquilidad.

Superar las barreras emocionales del pasado, tener motivación y expectativas renovadas para mejorar las relaciones con la familia, los compañeros y con uno mismo, se puede hacer de manera más eficiente, rápida y de manera que se verifique el progreso, se logra con el gENiO® SAPIENS TBQ sistema 2023.

Con esta terapia no solo se ve la parte emocional y psicosomática, sino que se revisa y regulan diferentes aspectos mentales, físicos, energéticos y otros códigos de frecuencia.

Esta potente herramienta es fundamental, ya que ayuda tanto al paciente como al profesional a resolver aquellas situaciones inconclusas que, de otro modo, tomarían más tiempo en superarse.

How emotions work

La poderosa influencia epigenética y nuestra respuesta emocional y física.

To understand emotions from the perspective of our emotional system, it is necessary to understand that we are a unit and that we are connected with everything, that is, with the universal consciousness, which is a field of information that unifies everything.

Our body not only resonates with our own organism, but it resonates with the environment and experiences, which is what is known as "Epigenetics", apart from that we must consider the genetic inheritance from our parents, which only has 2%.

Our emotions are closely related to the way we perceive and have encoded reality. To understand this we need to understand that our senses have receptors that capture information that travels rapidly electromagnetically to our neural network constantly, which is filtered by our mental conditioning. (culture, gender, family, education, etc.) that convert our perception or objective reality into a subjective reality.

When the information reaches our neural network, a bioelectric action occurs in the synapses of our neurons, where a cocktail of neurotransmitters related to the type of information that has been filtered by our mind is produced.

In this way, something positive or stimulating, from our perception, will cause a series of neurotransmitters that will make us feel good, or vice versa, something negative will cause the opposite, it all depends on the emotional or mental value that one has of each situation.

Neurotransmitters stimulate the hypothalamus in which neuropeptides will be produced, which will cascade through the peripheral nervous system and stimulate the endocrine system, that is, the gland system, which secretes hormones that will cause a series of emotional physical reactions.

This is happening at all times and at high speed, it is unstoppable, since we handle millions of bits of information per second.

Having said that, which is a biological explanation, let's see how emotional reactions are managed.

Tenemos varias formas de memoria; De trabajo, de larga duración, la episódica, la semántica y la procedimental.

Todas interactúan mezclando recuerdos según las experiencias que vayamos teniendo y modifican la información en nuestros genes. Lo interesante es que nuestro cerebro tiene plasticidad, por lo que podemos hacer cambios inteligentes, como sucede cuando comprendemos alguna experiencia o un episodio que hayamos vivido.

Nuestro inconsciente también llamada como "la sombra", es como un almacén, donde guardamos aquellas cosas que no nos gustan, las malas experiencias que no hayamos superado, todo con el fin de sobrevivir, pero son situaciones que nos

are affecting in one way or another, when there are situations that are unconsciously connected with a past experience, they can make us react unexpectedly, depending on the unfinished experience that we have open.

Each emotionally open situation in our life has effects on our physical, mental and energetic health, which is why 80% of diseases are of psychosomatic origin, which, if they remain open, can become complicated over time, causing behavioral changes. , bad relationships with the environment and with other people, even causing different imbalances, which can manifest in some chronic and degenerative diseases.

"C. Jung cita lo siguiente."

“If you do not make conscious what is in your subconscious, your unconscious will take control of your conscious and you will call that destiny”

And it is precisely that Jung makes things very clear to us from Quantum Bioresonance. Let's go to a simple example to understand food allergies.

Let's imagine that you are eating something and at that moment there is an argument or bad news, your body (reptilian brain) becomes alert and associates the food with that bad emotion.

In response, the small intestine will produce mucus to protect itself from what the body considers aggressive, and the sensation will be bloating and indigestion.

On the other hand, the hypothalamus will encode that food as a foreign or harmful agent.

The immune system will be alert and every time it identifies a food related to what is coded, it will try to attack it, as well as a virus or a foreign germ, provoking an allergic and immunological response.

With Bioresonance and psychotherapy we look for the cause of the problem so that the person becomes aware, this will help us to know the origin of the problem and from there work on it in psychotherapy at an emotional level and with TBQ gENiO at a cellular level.

If we only pay attention to the symptoms or the condition, we will not solve anything, because the cellular memory that is encoded in the genes will continue to be activated at any time.

Therefore, each toxin, each allergy and each reaction is related to some emotion or experience and this has an impact on our body.

With Quantum Bioresonance Therapy (TBQ) we manage to organize all the information, decode old or poorly resonating information and find a balance between current reality and the information that is in memory.

Algunos de los programas de TBQ del sistema gENiO para tratar las emociones

Es evidente que cada vez que le pedimos al organismo que haga un cambio de paradigma, es posible que no seamos conscientes del esfuerzo que esto requiere y la resistencia que el cuerpo provoca, por lo que se generan dos cosas:

  1. Se produce una demandará nutrientes, o sea, recursos para realizar esos cambios, ya que el organismo invierte mucha energía para llevarlos a cabo.

  1. Como se activa una "Resistencia Natural" a los cambios, aunque estos sean beneficiosos para el cuerpo, porque el cerebro reptiliano que está encargado de la sobrevivencia, no le gusta invertir más energía de la necesaria, ya que ha calculado el desgaste diario, por lo cual un excedente en el consumo de energía, provoca de forma automática que el cerebro reptiliano una RESISTENCIA para no invertir energía de reserva que está guardada para la sobrevivencia, o sea, en caso de emergencia.

Por lo tanto, damos las gotas o una tarjeta después de la terapia, para que el organismo no olvide en hacer esos cambios, ya que son órdenes o impulsos electromagnéticos, así como nutrientes de alta calidad para que soporten esos cambios y que eviten que el cerebro reptiliano provoque esa resistencia, de esta forma la terapia avance.

The brain seen from an evolutionary perspective, we can say that it is triune, that is, it is divided into three parts: Reptilian (instinctive), Limbic or emotional, and the Neocortex (where information is stored).

The communication between the reptilian brain and the limbic or emotional brain is very interesting, since the emotional one, despite being smaller, has a strong influence on the reptilian brain, which is instinctive, it controls in a certain way the left side of the brain and is rather reactive, it is responsible for feeding, procreation, flight or aggression, there are the foundations of the ego, etc... that is, it is instinctive, and its motto is "survive." So he will do everything possible to fulfill it, even if he is not in danger.

The emotional negotiates very well with the reptilian and easily convinces him to relax and deactivate him when he is in alarm.

People with phobias or chronic fears have their c. reptilian in constant alarm and can become addicted to fear and phobias, which will cause great resistance to changing the paradigms of their life.

On the other hand, if those emotionally open aspects, which are in the unconscious, are not closed, the c will remain very active. reptilian.

There is a paradoxical relationship with c. emotional and the c. reptilian, for example: love and pain, sex and fear, life and death.

In conclusion, in my therapy I seek for my patients to have control of their emotional reality and understand their physical reactions, so that they resolve their open situations and increase their knowledge base.

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